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Expert solutions for every need SCREEN Advanced System Solutions


At SCREEN AS, we use the latest IT technologies to create sophisticated, real-world solutions to the challenges you face every day.
We are experts in big data analysis and IoT, AI and image processing applications.

Artificial intelligence

AI enables high-speed search, instant document quality checks and the creation of dictionaries from mass text analysis, helping to support business operations in many powerful ways.

Visualization technologies

Convolutional neural network-based image analysis, text-based information analysis and other support technologies enhance efficiency by making the previously invisible visible

Artificial intelligence

Natural language processing

AI technologies boost work efficiency by providing instant suggestions to speed up online searches. They also enable the creation of technical dictionaries and automatically evaluate reports and other documents.

New discoveries

Text mining

Text mining enables the extraction of information and ideas from everyday written language to meet specific requirements. This knowledge can lead to the development of new concepts as well as unforeseen discoveries.

Deep learning

Image analysis

Cutting-edge analytical technologies can resolve many issues related to image processing software.